AWS offers a diverse range of engaging and informative webinars designed to broaden your knowledge in the water sector. Our team of experts, industry leaders, and passionate educators from around the globe deliver captivating webinars covering a wide array of topics within the water and related sectors.
Past Webinars

Realising the benefits of cloud computing
Utilising cloud computing with TUFLOW, HEC-RAS and Flood Modeller: How does it stack up?

Understanding water values in Indigenous Australia
How Indigenous knowledge improves our understanding of water

Reconciliation in the water sector
The development and implementation of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in the water sector.

Water governance in challenging times
Water governance and integrated water management in the 21st century.

QGIS for water modellers
Learn how to apply free GIS applications and plugins to aid the development and animation of hydrologic and hydraulic models

Water pollution from coal mines
Water pollution is a major issue for the coal industry, for environmental regulators and generates considerable community concern

Simplifying water markets
Learn about the Australian water market, trading concepts, limiting risk and gain valuable insights with our market outlook.

Managing saline groundwater
Groundwater salinity is a growing problem for agriculture, drinking water and ecosystems, around the world.

Unlocking water resources to expand agriculture
Case-studies from the Northern Adelaide Plains and remote Indigenous communities.

Dam safety modelling using McBreach©
Manage risk by leveraging the power of HEC-RAS through Monte Carlo simulations

Irrigation using the Cloud
Emerging technology in irrigated agriculture

Advancing groundwater-dependent ecosystem detection using radar
Overviewing a new method to detect groundwater-dependent ecosystems using radar, a remote sensing method that is not affected by cloud cover.

Modelling with HEC-HMS
Using meteorological data to provide increasingly realistic simulations of the rainfall-runoff process.

Water reform planning – a ‘wicked problem’
Water reform planning systems need trust, accountability and transparency.

Are your pumps about to fail?
Avoid the catastrophe of pipes bursting or imploding and pump failure due to transient pressures

State and fate of the Hindu Kush Himalaya water resources
Climate change impacts on the Hindu Kush Himalaya cryosphere

Responding to climate change in Papua New Guinea
Projections suggest further significant effects on communities

Sediment transport modelling. Too hard for Einstein?
Addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with mobile-bed hydraulic modelling

Smart technologies improving water services
SA Water’s Smart Network is forging a new path for managing underground infrastructure

Groundwater modelling with MODFLOW
Developing numerical groundwater flow models for water resources management

Advances in integrated river management
Connecting Indigenous knowledge and western science to water policy in the Murray-Darling Basin

India-Australia water business opportunities
Economic engagement with India through water

How wrong is your flood model?
All models are wrong to some degree. If so, how wrong is the model and how do we as an industry quantify wrong? Where is the evidence base that a model is right?

Building farm level capacities in irrigation water management
Saving water in agriculture

Assessing the water and agricultural resources of northern Australia
Science informing policy, regulation and investment decisions

Get Structured with Hydraulics!
Background methodologies for modelling structures in 1D, 2D, and 3D hydraulic modelling software.

Connecting flow and ecology in the Koshi Basin, Nepal
Ecological water requirements for river basin management, in the face of hydrological change.

Basin modelling in the cloud
Basin Futures is an innovative scenario-based water modelling platform, making water planning more accessible to a global audience.

Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR)
How to plan, build, operate and regulate a MAR scheme.

Powering toward a zero-cost energy future
An update on SA Water's ambitious goal of achieving zero net electricity costs from 2020.