AWS offers a diverse range of engaging and informative webinars designed to broaden your knowledge in the water sector. Our team of experts, industry leaders, and passionate educators from around the globe deliver captivating webinars covering a wide array of topics within the water and related sectors.
Past Webinars

We also offer
Tailored training!
Customised learning experiences designed specifically for your organisation or team to meet your unique needs.

What’s new in HEC-HMS
Advances in rainfall runoff modelling

Next generation 2D hydraulic modelling
Is this the end of the 1D open channel modelling?

Geomorphology 101
Explore the role of geomorphology in project planning and implementation

Maximising the Accuracy of Hydraulic Models
What factors to consider where there is no calibration data to validate your hydraulic model

Estimating bridge hydraulics and scour
Best practice techniques and engineering practices for estimating bridge hydraulics and scour depths around piers and abutments.

Coastal Modelling 101
Oceans, coasts and estuaries - Taking a salty approach to your next project

Something’s fishy
Considering fish passage in hydraulic designs

Python applications for Hydrology and Hydrogeology
The open-source programming language Python has become an indispensable tool in science and engineering. What are its benefits for hydro(geo)logists?

Hydraulic model calibration to historical events
Develop accurate models with confidence

ARR Essentials
Advance your skills and approaches to assessing flood risk and climate change using Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR).

Developing rating curves from measurements and models
Techniques to improve the accuracy and reliability of data over the full range of a system's flow regime

QGIS for groundwater applications
Preprocessing open data for groundwater analysis and modelling

Future of water quality modelling
Learn about new approaches to water quality modelling, with a focus on the use of smart particles that modify ambient water quality and have motilities that respond dynamically to environmental conditions.

Climate change impacts on extreme event hydrology
How should we account for the increasing intensity of extreme precipitation events when developing design hydrographs for drainage infrastructure?

Is rain-on-grid modelling accurate?
Rain-on-grid (or direct rainfall) modelling is quick and easy to setup, but is it accurate and what are the pitfalls?

It’s here! HEC-RAS 6.0, Part two
Step behind the wheel to test drive the most significant release of HEC-RAS in the last 4 years.

It’s here! HEC-RAS 6.0, what you need to know: Part one
Step behind the wheel to test drive the most significant release of HEC-RAS in the last 4 years.

2D and 3D Sediment Transport and Morphological Modelling
New methods for modelling mixed cohesive and non-cohesive sediments in riverine, estuarine and coastal environments.

Rocking it!
Using hydraulic modelling results for rock sizing.

The importance of 2D cell size for accurate hydraulic modelling
Learn how to select an appropriate 2D cell size to achieve accurate hydraulic modelling results during your flood and urban stormwater inundation assessments.

Introduction to Python scripting for water modellers
Basic data structures and importing modules

Hardware selection and trends in hydraulic modelling
Learn how new generations of computer hardware favour certain hydraulic solution schemes and offer lower solution costs.

HEC-DSS an introduction to the Data Storage System
Efficiently store and retrieve sequential data

The future of 2D hydraulic modelling
New computational methods are increasing simulation speeds and analysis accuracy

Advances in flood consequence assessments
The importance of proactive flood management decisions, aided by numerical methods.

QGIS for preparing and visualising hydrological data
Preprocessing open data for hydrological and hydraulic modelling using QGIS.

What’s new with Australian Rainfall and Runoff 2019
ARR has been updated for the first time in 30yrs, learn about new developments and how to access the data hub.

3D computation fluid dynamic and environmental modelling
Exciting new capabilities in 3D fluid modelling.

Roughing it for water modellers
Using the Manning equation in hydraulic modelling

Revolving water funds
Scaling up sustainable financing and funding for waterway and catchment conservation investments.