
2019 saw the commencement of development of TUFLOW’s first supported water quality module: TUFLOW WQ. This module combines the power of the Aquatic Ecodynamics Group’s AED water quality model with the parallelised and GPU based hydrodynamic, sediment transport and particle tracking simulation capabilities of TUFLOW.

This webinar will focus on one way that TUFLOW WQ now offers to simulate the interaction of motile biological organisms with their environment through the dynamic linkage of AED and TUFLOW’s particle tracking model. Application of this linkage to the simulation of oxygen dynamics of shrimp grow out ponds and open water finfish will be shared.


Michael Barry


Michael has over 25 years’ experience working on environmental water quality assessments.  During this time, he has successfully managed and led a wide range of environmental studies in Australia a... Read more

Mitchell Smith


Mitchell is an Associate Principal Engineer at BMT and leads TUFLOW FV’s software development, testing/benchmarking, support and training which most recently has involved delivery of TUFLOW FV’s n... Read more

Louise Bruce


Louise is a Principal Engineer with 25 years’ experience in environmental modelling. Louise’s career has spanned the progression of environmental models from simple 1-D to more complex 3-D dynamic... Read more

The use of smart particles that dynamically respond to environmental forcing and modify water quality is now possible. Learn how this capability can be exploited to better understand and manage aquaculture operations, and how GPU based computation can accelerate water quality simulation projects.

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