Training hub
Discover our online training resources to start building your skills and knowledge in the water sector.
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Surface water hydrology
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We also offer
Tailored training!
Customised learning experiences designed specifically for your organisation or team to meet your unique needs.

Python essentials for water
Develop confidence in the powerful programming language Python.

Dam breach essentials
Dive deep in to dam breach modelling and master the art of input data and calibration.

Integrating citizen scientists into fish tagging programs in the Murray-Darling Basin
Learn about a program developing a framework to incorporate citizen scientists into basin-scale programs.

Groundwater essentials
The physical hydrology and hydraulics of groundwater flow with theoretical lectures and practical applications.

For those about to rock scour (we compute you)
Rock scour assessments for the water industry: a methodology using 2D/3D fluid-solid numerical coupling.

Responding to water availability in the Murray-Darling Basin
Adaption, innovation and community development in the Murray–Darling Basin: responses to water availability

QGIS essentials for water modelling
Using QGIS in catchment and stream delineation for adding and visualising hydrological data.

Automating water resources workflows

Advances in dam breach assessment
Learn how past mistakes and advances in modelling are improving our ability to estimate dam failure parameters and impacts

Sediment Transport with HEC-RAS
Learn how to predict sediment movement, along with mud and debris flow measuring capabilities, using the latest version of HEC-RAS.

How does variability in water affect communities in the northern Murray–Darling Basin?
Learn about what existing studies have to say about the effects that different levels of water flows – from floods to droughts – have on rural communities in the northern basin.

Water quality model validation using mass balance analysis
Unlocking the flow: revolutionising water management through flux-based modeling for unparalleled environmental insight.

Structures with HEC-RAS
Hydraulic modelling of bridges and culverts

Advances in scour assessment
Learn how to apply empirical methods for assessing scour at bridges and bends

AI Segmentation
Use machine learning tools to extract and process water modelling data from aerial photos, satellite imagery, and terrain file.

Dam Breach with HEC-RAS
Modelling dam breaches and downstream impacts

How to benchmark your hydraulic solver
Discover how to evaluate hydraulic solver’s suitability and perform basic tests to validate model robustness.

Making Waves: Wave modelling with SWAN
Dive into the fundamentals of wave transformation modelling, paving the way for mastering SWAN software.

RORB essentials for water modelling
Using RORB to model general runoff and streamflow routing from rainfall and other channel inputs

AI tools for modelling innovation
Harness the power of AI to improve productivity in your workflow

The salt of the earth
Desalination: Challenges for ocean water and groundwater applications

Python Masterclass: Advanced skills for hydrology
Advance your skills for hydrological data processing and modelling using Python.

Real-time flood forecasting
Faster flood model simulations revolutionise real-time flood forecasting and intelligence.

Innovations in water management: the future of the Murray-Darling Basin
Collaboration to deliver innovation

Groundwater time series analysis
In this course you will dive deep into how the Python language can be used to obtain additional insights from existing groundwater hydrograph datasets

Clean me a River: reversing riparianism
How the principles of riparianism undermine river health and how can we collectively reverse this course

Integrated catchment and receiving water modelling
A presentation on the application of a new tool that seamlessly integrates processes on catchment and three-dimensional water quality modelling

Python for hydrology and hydrogeology
Explore Python programming for water modelling.

Ocean energy
How much energy is available from waves and tides, and what prevents us from harvesting it?

Sediment transport modelling applications
Explore 2D and 3D sediment transport modelling approaches in coastal, estuarine and riverine environments