
Take sessions at any time, at your own pace with unlimited course access for 30 days.

This course, recorded in 2021 as part of the Australian Rainfall and Runoff training series, is designed to provide a general introduction to peak flow estimation based on flood frequency analysis (FFA), as well as cover specific technical aspects of this topic area.

This course will help you discover a how-to guide on flood frequency analysis. Learn more about the inclusion of historic events and the addition of prior information from the Regional Flood Frequency Estimation (RFFE).

The Australian Water School has acquired a free 3-month license for FLIKE, ensuring you have all the tools you need for a comprehensive learning experience.


Format 3-hour course + pre/post-course materials via the learning platform
Cost AUD $325.00 (INC. GST)
Code OD-24-3-115
Contact training@awschool.com.au


Bill Weeks

Hydrology and water resources engineer

Dr Bill Weeks is a skilled hydrologist with over forty years’ experience in surface water and groundwater hydrology and hydraulics. He has worked on projects covering water resource assessments, flo... Read more

Mark Babister


Mark is a national leader in floodplain management and analysis. Mark has successfully completed numerous hydrologic, hydraulic, floodplain management, infrastructure and dam studies. Mark’s clear, ... Read more

Monique Retallick


Monique has 12 years’ experience in hydrology, 2d modelling and design of major waterway openings for road projects particularly on large and coastal rivers. Monique has extensive experience in the... Read more

This course was recorded in 2021 as part of the Australian Rainfall and Runoff training series.

Course Overview

In this course you will be using FLIKE, the flood frequency analysis toolkit recommended by the Institute of Engineers Australia in Australian Rainfall and Runoff (2019).  FLIKE is an extreme value analysis package that calculates the probability of flood events based on historical records.

Course Learning Objectives

  • How to undertake FFA
  • Using the RFFE website
  • Understanding FLIKE outputs

Key Concepts

  • How to undertake FFA
  • Examples using FLIKE
  • How to include historic events in FFA
  • Use of prior information from RFFE
  • Regional Flood Frequency Estimation

Key Topics

  • Peak flow estimation
  • FFA
  • Example FFA
  • RFFE
  • Example RFFE
  • New RFFE
  • Q&A


Pre-course material including readings and videos to review.


  • A good internet connection and software installations.
  • The Australian Water School has secured a free 3-month license for FLIKE, granting you full access to the necessary tools.


On completion of the course attendees will be issued with a Certificate of Completion.



Refund Policy 

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)