Monique Retallick

Monique has 12 years’ experience in hydrology, 2d modelling and design of major waterway openings for road projects particularly on large and coastal rivers. Monique has extensive experience in the communication of flood impacts to the community and development of situation specific mitigation measures. Monique has worked on the concept design, EIS and independent review of detailed design of numerous sections of the Pacific Highway upgrade. Monique’s roles as ARR project engineer and an editor of Australian Rainfall and runoff 2016 means she is up to date with the latest best practice. Monique is an author of the Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision Project 15, Two Dimensional Modelling of Urban and Rural Floodplains. Monique has authored 27 papers presented at conferences both nationally and internationally. Monique has published on the use of eddy viscosity in 2d models which is of particular importance for Australian floodplains. Monique is the current chair of Engineers Australia’s Sydney Water Panel.