
Environmental management of catchment based water resources often requires the development and linkage of a range of numerical tools to simulate key water related processes. These processes include catchment runoff generation, subsurface flows, pollutant generation and transport, and two- or three-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality modelling of downstream receiving waterways. Robustily linking this array of models to address basic environmental management questions has been a long standing difficulty for practitioners in this space. This webinar presents an application of a new tool that seamlessly integrates the simulation of all these processes, from rain on grid hydrology to downstream three-dimensional water quality modelling.


Michael Barry


Michael has over 25 years’ experience working on environmental water quality assessments.  During this time, he has successfully managed and led a wide range of environmental studies in Australia a... Read more

Phil Ryan


Phil has over 15 years’ experience working on numerical hydraulic modelling tasks. These include flood studies, floodplain management studies, flood impact assessments, storm tide studies, Monte Car... Read more

Panel Members

Emma McCall


Emma is an Engineer with 5 years’ experience in environmental and water quality modelling. Emma’s experience includes a wide range of river, lake and coastal modelling projects using different num... Read more

Chris Huxley


Chris is a Principal Engineer for BMT (the developers of TUFLOW) with over 20 years’ experience in the field of flood / stormwater modelling and floodplain management. Chris is an expert in the fiel... Read more

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