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Training: Modelling general knowledge

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Hydrology and Hydraulics Essentials Training Series
From first principles to engineering applications

MODFLOW 6 and FloPy
Learn how to create numerical groundwater models in Python using FloPy at the beginner’s level.

Bridge Scour essentials
Learn the background theory behind pier scour, abutment scour, and contraction scour.

R essentials for water
Explore the intricacies of hydrological analysis using R programming language to harness robust water data insights

Flood modelling 101
Learn to design and construct two-dimensional hydraulic models

Uncertainty analysis in groundwater modelling
Develop confidence in decision-making by learning how to manage uncertainty in modelling results

Fluvial Geomorphology Essentials
Learn the basics of fluvial geomorphology, focussing on infrastructure crossings

Rating Curves
Join our expert presenters for a hands-on, interactive course covering the development of rating curves from measurements and models.

QGIS essentials for groundwater: mapping and modelling
Compile groundwater data to process and create a groundwater map with QGIS

ARR Course #1: Rainfall Design Inputs
Learn to identify inputs, locate them in the Data Hub, and apply them for rainfall design.

ARR Course #2: Flood Frequency Analysis
A how-to-guide on flood frequency analysis.

ARR Course #3: Hydrologic Modelling Applications
Learn to apply the new ARR to hydrologic modelling for predicting design flood hydrographs.

ARR Course #4: Flood Hydraulics
Understand basic elements of hydraulics and apply ARR blockage procedures effectively.

ARR Course #5: Design Estimation
What has changed in design flood estimation?

ARR Course #6: Extreme Events
Guidelines for estimating floods with low Annual Exceedance Probabilities in special design applications.

ARR Course #7: Urban Approaches
Understand urban drainage systems and the philosophy behind Australian Rainfall and Runoff.

ARR Course #8: Urban Flood Modelling
Learn to calculate urban losses and apply conveyance and volume control measures.

Using hydrodynamic models to inform nature-based solutions
Nature's blueprint: explore hydrodynamic models for sustainable solutions in rivers, floodplains, and coastal environments.

Is your water flowing downhill? Tips & tricks for reviewing flood models
Learn tips and tricks from the experts to review flood models with confidence.

Mastering FFA: incorporating extreme events and climate change
Learn to master Flood Frequency Analysis (FFA) using BestFit.

Let’s get physical!
How to get meaningful hydraulic results from a physical model

Tailings dam failure essentials – Part 1
Understanding risks and consequences of tailings dam failure, unique challenges in modelling material behaviour, and advances in modelling and assessment practices

Tailings dam failure essentials – Part 2
Software developers' guidance on selecting input parameters and tips for realistic tailings dam models.

3D hydraulic modelling essentials
Enhance your hydraulic modelling capabilities by exploring 3D concepts with worked examples using free software

Dam breach essentials
Dive deep in to dam breach modelling and master the art of input data and calibration.

For those about to rock scour (we compute you)
Rock scour assessments for the water industry: a methodology using 2D/3D fluid-solid numerical coupling.

Advances in dam breach assessment
Learn how past mistakes and advances in modelling are improving our ability to estimate dam failure parameters and impacts

Advances in scour assessment
Learn how to apply empirical methods for assessing scour at bridges and bends

How to benchmark your hydraulic solver
Discover how to evaluate hydraulic solver’s suitability and perform basic tests to validate model robustness.

Making Waves: Wave modelling with SWAN
Dive into the fundamentals of wave transformation modelling, paving the way for mastering SWAN software.