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Training: Water quality

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Water quality modelling – Part 2
Modelling the environmental fate and transport of pathogens

Tracking contaminant spills
Join industry experts tasked with responding to contaminant spills that affect waterways and aquifers

Mine water management
Surface water solutions for effective mining closures

Buying time for coral reefs
Join us for a panel discussion about buying time for coral reefs with local and global solutions

Megadrought: the new normal?
How you can make a positive difference after examining the impacts and future projections of droughts and megadroughts globally.

Coastal water quality modelling 101 – Part 1
Making the most of our coast whilst minimising impact: 3D water quality and environmental modelling applications

How can I help?
Meet some water engineers who have spent their careers providing humanitarian aid, and find out how individuals and organisations with water engineering skills can lend a helping hand.

Fired up! Bushfire hydrology
Impacts on catchment hydrology and aquatic fauna

Future of water quality modelling
Learn about new approaches to water quality modelling, with a focus on the use of smart particles that modify ambient water quality and have motilities that respond dynamically to environmental conditions.

Realising the benefits of cloud computing
Utilising cloud computing with TUFLOW, HEC-RAS and Flood Modeller: How does it stack up?

Water governance in challenging times
Water governance and integrated water management in the 21st century.

Water pollution from coal mines
Water pollution is a major issue for the coal industry, for environmental regulators and generates considerable community concern

Water Security
The legitimate place of water reuse and desalination in ensuring water security.

MAR for Water Utilities
Environmental and commercial opportunities.

Water quality modelling – Part 2
Modelling the environmental fate and transport of pathogens

Tracking contaminant spills
Join industry experts tasked with responding to contaminant spills that affect waterways and aquifers

Mine water management
Surface water solutions for effective mining closures

Buying time for coral reefs
Join us for a panel discussion about buying time for coral reefs with local and global solutions

Megadrought: the new normal?
How you can make a positive difference after examining the impacts and future projections of droughts and megadroughts globally.

Coastal water quality modelling 101 – Part 1
Making the most of our coast whilst minimising impact: 3D water quality and environmental modelling applications

How can I help?
Meet some water engineers who have spent their careers providing humanitarian aid, and find out how individuals and organisations with water engineering skills can lend a helping hand.

Fired up! Bushfire hydrology
Impacts on catchment hydrology and aquatic fauna

Future of water quality modelling
Learn about new approaches to water quality modelling, with a focus on the use of smart particles that modify ambient water quality and have motilities that respond dynamically to environmental conditions.

Realising the benefits of cloud computing
Utilising cloud computing with TUFLOW, HEC-RAS and Flood Modeller: How does it stack up?

Water governance in challenging times
Water governance and integrated water management in the 21st century.

Water pollution from coal mines
Water pollution is a major issue for the coal industry, for environmental regulators and generates considerable community concern

Water Security
The legitimate place of water reuse and desalination in ensuring water security.

MAR for Water Utilities
Environmental and commercial opportunities.