
Mining activities pose unique challenges for waterways and aquifers. Join mining industry experts for a discussion about short-term and long-term environmental risks and a presentation of innovative solutions for preserving water bodies while protecting assets and human lives. Explore proposed and completed closure solutions designed to mimic natural processes along watercourses.


Iain Rea


Iain has 20 years of experience in surface water and pipeline design. After spending three years with the Water Corporation as a graduate, his focussed turned to the resource industry while working wi... Read more

Duncan Storey


Duncan Storey has over 30 years experience as a hydrogeologist. He is the founding Director and Consulting Hydrogeologist with AQ2, an independent water resources consultancy with groundwater experti... Read more

Krey Price

International Water Training Institute

Educated at the University of California at Berkeley, Krey is a civil engineer and project manager with international experience in water resources. He is engaged in computational modelling, engineeri... Read more

image source: https://www.dutchwatersector.com/news/van-heck-puts-its-massive-floodwater-pumps-on-the-road-again-this-time-to-serbia


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