Training: Climate Adaptation

Live Training
Starts 20 Feb

Thu 20 Feb - Thu 10 Apr 2025

eDNA: a hands-on approach to environmental monitoring

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Wave modelling with SWAN

Dive into the world of waves and learn numerical modelling with SWAN.

Premium Webinar
27 Mar

Climate Adaptation

Adapting Urban Catchments to Climate Change with ARR Updates

Essential knowledge for the water sector and built environment professionals

Premium Webinar

Climate Adaptation

Mastering FFA: incorporating extreme events and climate change 

Learn to master Flood Frequency Analysis (FFA) using BestFit.


Climate Adaptation

FFA with RMC-BestFit: New release!

Explore new features in RMC-BestFit 2.0 Beta, including non-stationarity to account for climate change in flood frequency analyses, and featuring compatibility with FLIKE.


Technology & Innovation

Beyond tracks and scats: The power of eDNA for aquatic monitoring

Unveiling and monitoring aquatic biodiversity with eDNA.


Surface water hydraulics

Earth’s biggest floods

Uncovering geological evidence for the world’s largest flood events



Climate change updates to ARR Guidelines

Panel discussion on the updated Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR) Guidelines for climate change considerations.


Modelling general knowledge

Panel Event: Australian Rainfall and Runoff – to the extreme!

A 90mins panel discussion with industry experts to address the recent QLD & NSW flooding events and modelling implications.


Climate Adaptation

Fired up! Bushfire hydrology

Impacts on catchment hydrology and aquatic fauna



ARR Essentials

Advance your skills and approaches to assessing flood risk and climate change using Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR).


Climate Adaptation

Climate change impacts on extreme event hydrology

How should we account for the increasing intensity of extreme precipitation events when developing design hydrographs for drainage infrastructure?


Climate Adaptation

State and fate of the Hindu Kush Himalaya water resources

Climate change impacts on the Hindu Kush Himalaya cryosphere


Climate Adaptation

Responding to climate change in Papua New Guinea

Projections suggest further significant effects on communities


Technology & Innovation

Using Cloud-Based Flood Risk Information

A cost effective, accessible approach linking to official data sources in real time.


Climate Adaptation

Dry to wet, hot to cool– the climate of 2016 and a peek into the new year

Bureau of Meteorology: Dr Andrew Watkins, Manager of Climate Prediction Services


Climate Adaptation

Water Sources in 2050?

Where will Australia source its water in 2050?


Climate Adaptation

FFA with RMC-BestFit: New release!

Explore new features in RMC-BestFit 2.0 Beta, including non-stationarity to account for climate change in flood frequency analyses, and featuring compatibility with FLIKE.


Technology & Innovation

Beyond tracks and scats: The power of eDNA for aquatic monitoring

Unveiling and monitoring aquatic biodiversity with eDNA.


Surface water hydraulics

Earth’s biggest floods

Uncovering geological evidence for the world’s largest flood events



Climate change updates to ARR Guidelines

Panel discussion on the updated Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR) Guidelines for climate change considerations.


Modelling general knowledge

Panel Event: Australian Rainfall and Runoff – to the extreme!

A 90mins panel discussion with industry experts to address the recent QLD & NSW flooding events and modelling implications.


Climate Adaptation

Fired up! Bushfire hydrology

Impacts on catchment hydrology and aquatic fauna



ARR Essentials

Advance your skills and approaches to assessing flood risk and climate change using Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR).


Climate Adaptation

Climate change impacts on extreme event hydrology

How should we account for the increasing intensity of extreme precipitation events when developing design hydrographs for drainage infrastructure?


Climate Adaptation

State and fate of the Hindu Kush Himalaya water resources

Climate change impacts on the Hindu Kush Himalaya cryosphere


Climate Adaptation

Responding to climate change in Papua New Guinea

Projections suggest further significant effects on communities


Technology & Innovation

Using Cloud-Based Flood Risk Information

A cost effective, accessible approach linking to official data sources in real time.


Climate Adaptation

Dry to wet, hot to cool– the climate of 2016 and a peek into the new year

Bureau of Meteorology: Dr Andrew Watkins, Manager of Climate Prediction Services


Climate Adaptation

Water Sources in 2050?

Where will Australia source its water in 2050?