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Training: Groundwater

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India-Australia Perspectives on Water Management
RACE WaRM Fellows strengthen sister-state relationship with South Australia

MAR Essentials
Managed Aquifer Recharge: Where to begin? What are the benefits and risks?

Hardrock Groundwater Recharge using Check-Dams
In Rajasthan and South Australia.

Managed Aquifer Recharge thru Village-level Interventions – MARVI
Participatory Approaches and Tools

Applications of groundwater modelling in TUFLOW
Mastering groundwater modeling for enhanced calibration; long-term simulations and operational flood forecasting.

Desalinating brackish water
Implementing a demonstration site for desalination of brackish water in the Murray-Darling Basin

Groundwater with Darcy and Bernoulli
Applying the Bernoulli Equation and Darcy's Law for groundwater flow

MODFLOW 6 and FloPy
Numerical modelling with MODFLOW 6 and FloPy for beginners

Groundwater modelling in Python
How mathematical groundwater models can be implemented in Python

Groundwater time series analysis
How the Python language can be used to gain additional insights from existing groundwater hydrograph datasets

Python applications for Hydrology and Hydrogeology
The open-source programming language Python has become an indispensable tool in science and engineering. What are its benefits for hydro(geo)logists?

QGIS for groundwater applications
Preprocessing open data for groundwater analysis and modelling

Managing saline groundwater
Groundwater salinity is a growing problem for agriculture, drinking water and ecosystems, around the world.

Unlocking water resources to expand agriculture
Case-studies from the Northern Adelaide Plains and remote Indigenous communities.

Advancing groundwater-dependent ecosystem detection using radar
Overviewing a new method to detect groundwater-dependent ecosystems using radar, a remote sensing method that is not affected by cloud cover.

Groundwater modelling with MODFLOW
Developing numerical groundwater flow models for water resources management

Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR)
How to plan, build, operate and regulate a MAR scheme.

Sustainable water management for unconventional gas extraction
How the unconventional gas industry interacts with other water users.

Implementing transboundary aquifer cooperation in Africa
Lessons learned from the Ramotswa and Stampriet Aquifers

Groundwater Exploration and Management in Myanmar & South East Asia
Management of groundwater resources in logistically difficult countries

Groundwater Governance, Policy and Regulation in the Arab World
Policy for over-abstraction of groundwater

Controlling Groundwater through Smart Card Machines
The Case of Water Quotas and Pricing Mechanisms in Gansu Province, China.

Atlas of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems
Consider Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) in your ground water management decision making.

Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice (GRIPP)
Introduces the role and work of GRIPP in promoting sustainable groundwater development

Groundwater for Sustainable Development: Where are we?
Looking at the global situation of groundwater as a resource, its use, development, management and emerging challenges.

The Australian Groundwater Explorer
Access a wide range of Australian groundwater data without specialised software

MAR for Mining
How is Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) assisting with water management in mining operations?

Uncertainty Analysis in Groundwater Modelling Projects
Setting up a groundwater modelling project for successful uncertainty analysis

Accessing Nationally-Consistent Groundwater Information
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology's suite of groundwater information is freely available

Sustaining India’s hidden water resource
Monitoring and managing groundwater through people participation