Training: Community Engagement

22 May

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Responding to water availability in the Murray-Darling Basin

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Community Engagement

How does variability in water affect communities in the northern Murray–Darling Basin?

Learn about what existing studies have to say about the effects that different levels of water flows – from floods to droughts – have on rural communities in the northern basin.


Community Engagement

How can I help?

Meet some water engineers who have spent their careers providing humanitarian aid, and find out how individuals and organisations with water engineering skills can lend a helping hand.



Water pollution from coal mines

Water pollution is a major issue for the coal industry, for environmental regulators and generates considerable community concern


Water Policy & Governance

Water reform planning – a ‘wicked problem’

Water reform planning systems need trust, accountability and transparency.


Climate Adaptation

Responding to climate change in Papua New Guinea

Projections suggest further significant effects on communities


Irrigation & Agriculture

Assessing the water and agricultural resources of northern Australia

Science informing policy, regulation and investment decisions


Integrated Water Resource Management

How Sensor and Social Networks have enabled Adaptive Water Management

The economic, social and environmental benefits of adaptive water management