Kleinschmidt Associates
Chris Goodell

Kleinschmidt Associates
Chris is the Principal Consultant for Hydraulics and Hydrology at Kleinschmidt Associates. Chris specializes in water resources hydraulic engineering. He has a background in both hydraulic design and river engineering. His expertise includes hydraulic modeling, dam break studies, sediment transport, bridge and culvert design, inundation mapping, and software development/design. Chris is an internationally known leader in HEC-RAS modeling with a particular interest in risk-based solutions for hydraulic modeling. He has taught over 100 professional education courses on HEC-RAS around the United States and on 4 continents. Chris is the developer and primary author of “The RAS Solution”, a HEC-RAS blog and author of the book “Breaking the HEC-RAS Code”. He also developed McBreach, a software program that runs HEC-RAS dam breach models in a probabilistic framework.