QGIS for groundwater applications
Preprocessing open data for groundwater analysis and modelling
QGIS offers great tools for groundwater applications. Join this webinar to learn about the tools in QGIS for groundwater applications. Learn how to prepare data for groundwater analysis and modelling and visualize the results in 2D and 3D. This webinar will demonstrate a typical GIS workflow for hydrogeological studies:
1. Importing borehole data from various sources;
2. Sample elevation at the borehole locations from a DEM;
3. Interpolate groundwater levels of the boreholes to a raster;
4. 2D/3D visualization of groundwater data.
These skills are fundamental for visualizing and analyzing groundwater data.
This is an introduction to the live training course, beginning in May.
Hans van der Kwast
Kurt Menke
Konrad Miotlinski
Edith Cowan University
Krey Price
International Water Training Institute