Tony Ladson

Tony Ladson has 35 years’ experience in hydrology and river management and has worked on projects throughout Australia and in the US, Taiwan and PNG. He has a PhD from the University of Melbourne and a Master of Science from the University of Minnesota. As well as being a Director of Moroka Pty Ltd, he is an adjunct Associate Professor at Victoria University, and an honorary fellow in the Waterway Ecosystem Research Group at the University of Melbourne.
One of Tony’s main interests is the application of hydrologic principles to improve the environmental condition of Australia’s rivers. He was a project leader in the river restoration program of the Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology and has international experience in waterway management related to mining projects in PNG. He was a key developer of stream condition assessment methods that have been applied in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, has advised on river health assessment in the Lake Eyre Basin and assisted in the development of methods for monitoring ephemeral streams. Tony has worked extensively on environmental flows, and has contributed to strategy plans and policies to improve river health. Recently he assisted in the evaluation of the $30 million Long Term Intervention Monitoring Strategy that assessed the outcomes from the Commonwealth’s delivery of environmental flows. In 2000 he was awarded a Victorian Fellowship to undertake international research into adaptive management of environmental flows and in 2005 received the GN Alexander Medal from Engineers Australia for work on evaluation of stream rehabilitation projects. Tony has more than 100 conference and journal papers and has completed a book on Hydrology for Oxford University Press.