Maximising the Accuracy of Hydraulic Models
What factors to consider where there is no calibration data to validate your hydraulic model
There are numerous factors that influence hydraulic modelling result accuracy, including:
- Input data quality
- Parameter values (e.g. Manning’s n)
- Model schematisation
- Representation of structures
- Suitability of the computational solver
Consideration of each of these factors is essential to building an understanding of the uncertainty associated with hydraulic modelling results. This webinar steps through the fundamental principles that all modellers should be familiar with when developing fit for purpose hydraulic models. A broad range of subjects is covered, from intuitive data related issues through to often misunderstood, or worse yet not considered, consequences of simplifying the computational solution. The webinar finishes with recommendations to maximise the hydraulic model’s accuracy that will meaningfully increase the confidence in models unable to be validated to measured data.
The webinar is strongly recommended for all stakeholders from inexperienced to experienced modellers, from reviewers to end-users of hydraulic modelling outcomes.
Chris Huxley
Shuang Gao