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Discover our online training resources to start building your skills and knowledge in the water sector.
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Groundwater Governance, Policy and Regulation in the Arab World
Policy for over-abstraction of groundwater
Mainstreaming and Modelling
How gender analysis can be applied to a water management modelling framework.
Gender Equality and Water Management
What does inclusive Water Resources Management look like?
Controlling Groundwater through Smart Card Machines
The Case of Water Quotas and Pricing Mechanisms in Gansu Province, China.
Atlas of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems
Consider Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) in your ground water management decision making.
Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice (GRIPP)
Introduces the role and work of GRIPP in promoting sustainable groundwater development
Groundwater for Sustainable Development: Where are we?
Looking at the global situation of groundwater as a resource, its use, development, management and emerging challenges.
Emerging Water Contaminants – Untangling the Science Debate
Should Australia catch up as a global paradigm shift in ecotoxicology moves towards a multi-tiered testing framework?
Using Cloud-Based Flood Risk Information
A cost effective, accessible approach linking to official data sources in real time.
Why Water Professionals should Care about the Sustainable Development Goals
Explaining the Sustainable Development Goals relevant to water and why it's time for the whole sector to get involved.
The Australian Groundwater Explorer
Access a wide range of Australian groundwater data without specialised software
Securing Australia’s Agricultural Future
Are irrigators keeping up?
Rain-on-Grid Modelling with HEC-RAS
Software improvements, access to meteorological data and new improvements under development.
MAR for Mining
How is Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) assisting with water management in mining operations?
Uncertainty Analysis in Groundwater Modelling Projects
Setting up a groundwater modelling project for successful uncertainty analysis
Community Wastewater Reuse with HRAP 3
Low cost High Rate Algal Pond technology
Science Protecting Water in Hydraulic Fracturing
Best practice water management for unconventional gas extraction
Zero-energy: What’s the hold up?
Water businesses are uniquely positioned to benefit from renewable energy generation.
Accessing Nationally-Consistent Groundwater Information
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology's suite of groundwater information is freely available
Sustaining India’s hidden water resource
Monitoring and managing groundwater through people participation
Powerful feature of HEC-RAS exposed
Unlock a multitude of custom applications for controlling and automating HEC-RAS
Maximising net benefits of Australian urban water research
Now is the time to review our approach to investment in national urban water research and development.
Good Water Governance to Enhance Future Security
The fundamentals of water governance and compliance
Enabling globally competitive and sustainable food production.
NAIS is an export-focussed, vertically integrated, intensive horticulture industry, being developed to provide jobs and economic growth for South Australia.
Future of the Water Industry
Transforming utilities
What’s New in HEC-RAS 5.0.4?
Discover the latest updates to be released in HEC-RAS 5.0.4 that will benefit your work.
Water for Liveable and Resilient Cities
Building water sensitive cities to improve liveability and cope with climate change and population growth.
Transforming water data into information and knowledge
A case study using HydroNET to access and visualise water management data.
Optimising the design of complex water networks
Leading technology achieves massive savings in capital and operational costs.
Coastal Reservoirs
Moving from water 'shortage' to water 'storage'.