
Take sessions anytime, at your own pace with unlimited course access for 30 days.

FloPy is a powerful and versatile Python library to create MODFLOW models and process their output. MODFLOW 6 is the latest member of the family of codes, and script-based models created with FloPy and MODFLOW 6 is emerging as a new industry standard.

In this course we will introduce beginners to script-based numerical modelling with MODFLOW 6. It will provide you with a set of ready-to-use Python notebooks with FloPy code that can be adapted for other flow problems.


Format x3, 2hour live training + recordings; pre and post course materials to go through via the learning platform
Cost Standard fee $895.00 (INC GST)
Code OD-23-3-085
Contact training@awschool.com.au
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Vincent Post

Edinsi Groundwater & Flinders University

Vincent is a hydrogeologist with over 15 years of experience in Python programming. He uses it on a daily basis for many if not all of his tasks, such as working with logger data, preparation of model... Read more

Mark Bakker

Technical University Delft

Mark is a groundwater engineer and a Professor of Groundwater Dynamics at the Technical University in Delft. Mark has taught Python programming and groundwater modelling for over 20 years. He is the d... Read more

Course outline

  • History of MODFLOW & core versions with terminology & conventions
  • MODFLOW Groundwater flow model (gwf) packages
  • Steady flow/steady state – create a MODFLOW model
  • Well & head packages
  • Output control (checks/plot heads)
  • Water balance
  • Theory of leaky stream bed
  • Pathlines with Modpath
  • Aquitard and second aquifer
  • Transient flow and head vs time | transient simulation
  • Boundary drawdown size
  • Grid types
  • Estimate parameters from pumping test with analysis
  • Working with shapefiles & idomain arrays
  • Plotting heads & layers using MODFLOW

Python scripts to show results

Practical exercises are provided during and after each session with follow-up discussion.


Not sure if this course is right for you? Watch this free, introductory 1 hour webinar:



  • 6+ hours of session recordings with unlimited access for 30-days;
  • Pre-and-post-course materials to go through via the AWS learning platform;
  • Exercises between the 3 sessions;
  • Set of Jupyter notebooks with working MODFLOW models;
  • Ability to ask questions to the presenters at anytime through the learning platform;


  • A good internet connection;
  • Software and downloads as described in the learning platform including Anaconda and FloPy libraries;
  • Jupyter lab is the browser environment from which the course notebooks are run;
  • Basic knowledge of groundwater hydrology and groundwater flow processes;
  • Basic command of Python (register for the on-demand Python essentials for water if you’re a beginner Python user).

Learning outcomes

  • Create steady-state and transient MODFLOW 6 models using FloPy;
  • Visualise calculated heads and flow paths, calculate water budgets;
  • Define boundary conditions;
  • Work with river, well and recharge packages;
  • Interface with QGIS.

Completion Certification

  • Attendees earn CPD hours/points (ie with Engineers Australia) for at least 12 hours for the entire course.
  • On completion of the course attendees will be issued with a Certificate of Completion.


Refund Policy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)