
Take sessions anytime, at your own pace with unlimited course access for 30 days on registration.

FloPy is a powerful and versatile Python library to create MODFLOW models and process their output. MODFLOW 6 is the latest member of the family of codes, and script-based models created with FloPy and MODFLOW 6 is emerging as a new industry standard.

In this course we will introduce beginners to script-based numerical modelling with MODFLOW 6. It will provide you with a set of ready-to-use Python notebooks with FloPy code that can be adapted for other flow problems.


Format x3, 2hour session recordings + pre and post course materials to go through via the learning platform
Cost Standard fee $895.00 (INC GST)
Code OD-23-3-085
Contact training@awschool.com.au
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Vincent Post

Edinsi Groundwater & Flinders University

Vincent is a hydrogeologist with nearly 20 years of experience in Python programming. He has a strong background in academia and research and has been working as a self-employed hydrogeological consul... Read more

Mark Bakker

Technical University Delft

Mark is a professor in groundwater engineering at the Delft University of Technology, where he teaches groundwater modeling and Python programming. He is co-developer of a number of popular open-sourc... Read more

Course outline

  • History of MODFLOW & core versions with terminology & conventions
  • MODFLOW Groundwater flow model (gwf) packages
  • Steady flow/steady state – create a MODFLOW model
  • Well & head packages
  • Output control (checks/plot heads)
  • Water balance
  • Theory of leaky stream bed
  • Pathlines with Modpath
  • Aquitard and second aquifer
  • Transient flow and head vs time | transient simulation
  • Boundary drawdown size
  • Grid types
  • Estimate parameters from pumping test with analysis
  • Working with shapefiles & idomain arrays
  • Plotting heads & layers using MODFLOW

Python scripts to show results

Practical exercises are provided during and after each session with follow-up discussion.


Not sure if this course is right for you? Watch this free, introductory 1 hour webinar:


  • 6+ hours of session recordings with unlimited access for 30-days;
  • Pre-and-post-course materials to go through via the AWS learning platform;
  • Exercises between the 3 sessions;
  • Set of Jupyter notebooks with working MODFLOW models;
  • Ability to ask questions to the presenters at anytime through the learning platform;


  • A good internet connection;
  • Software and downloads as described in the learning platform including Anaconda and FloPy libraries;
  • Jupyter lab is the browser environment from which the course notebooks are run;
  • Basic knowledge of groundwater hydrology and groundwater flow processes;
  • Basic command of Python (register for the on-demand Python essentials for water if you’re a beginner Python user).

Learning outcomes

  • Create steady-state and transient MODFLOW 6 models using FloPy;
  • Visualise calculated heads and flow paths, calculate water budgets;
  • Define boundary conditions;
  • Work with river, well and recharge packages;
  • Interface with QGIS.

Completion Certification

  • Attendees earn CPD hours/points (ie with Engineers Australia) for at least 12 hours for the entire course.
  • On completion of the course attendees will be issued with a Certificate of Completion.


Course feedback

“A comprehensive course, and it was great to be stretched with additional resources highlighted to call upon. Enjoyed the course very much, and feel knowledge taken away will be practically very useful in our real-life working environment.”

“I want to congratulate the instructors on this fantastic course. The content and pace was perfect!”


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