
Take sessions at any time with unlimited access for 30 days on registration.

Discover the power of hydrological modelling in this 3-part course, tailored to both beginners and intermediate users.

Placing a strong emphasis on practical application and guiding you through the intricate process of constructing a functional hydrological model, you'll learn to transform raw rainfall and terrain data into a dynamic model using HEC-HMS, all while working with real-world catchments as your reference.

Through hands-on instruction and real-world examples, you'll gain the skills and confidence to navigate HEC-HMS effectively, making this course an essential stepping stone for anyone interested in hydrological modelling and catchment management.


Format x3, 2hour recordings; pre and post course materials to go through via the learning platform
Cost Standard fee AUD$895 (includes GST)
Code OD-23-3-097
Contact training@awschool.com.au


Martin Jacobs


Martin’s experience in hydrology covers more than three decades in civil engineering consultancy in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and UK. Martin’s projects cover a broad spectrum from single-l... Read more

Panel Members

Michael Bartles


Mr. Bartles is a Hydraulic Engineer with ten years of experience specializing in Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling, Statistical Hydrology, and Software Development. Mike has been the project lead for... Read more

Krey Price

International Water Training Institute

Educated at the University of California at Berkeley, Krey is a civil engineer and project manager with international experience in water resources. He is engaged in computational modelling, engineeri... Read more

This course is designed to be highly practical, with 6+ hours of session recordings across 3 parts.

Course Contents

The course will cover 3 main topics across 3 parts.

Part 1

  • Introduction to HEC Program Architecture, including the HEC-DSS Storage System
  • Development of simple model from rainfall, stream gauge and terrain data

Part 2

  • The HEC-HMS Optimiser
  • Modification for continuous simulation

Part 3

  • Add a dam with a spillway and a pump
  • Review calibration and results


  • 6+ hours of session recordings with unlimited access for 30-days;
  • Pre-and-post-course materials to go through via the AWS learning platform
  • Manual of the course and working model download/s
  • Ability to ask questions to the presenters at anytime through the learning platform
  • Attendees earn CPD hours/points (i.e. with Engineers Australia) for at least 9 hours for the entire course.

Preparation and Pre-requisites

  • Participants will need to install the following on their computers for the course
    • HEC-HMS Version 4.11
    • HEC-DSSVue Version 3.3.29
    • RMC-BestFit
  • It is advisable to have installed a GIS program; we recommend QGIS v3.34


A good internet connection and software and downloads as described in the learning platform.


On completion of the course attendees will be issued with a Certificate of Completion.

Refund Policy

Frequently Asked Questions