
Take sessions at any time with unlimited access for 30 days on registration.

The developers of current FHWA methodologies present on scour estimation for this interactive 3-part course.

You will also have access to four 2-hour pre-recorded sessions from the FHWA Bridge Scour workshop material to guide the completion of the case study. For Australian attendees, the material will address the latest Austroads and Australian state transport department guidance. This course uses software tools including HEC-RAS, SRH-2D and TUFLOW to demonstrate scour modelling in the context of the case study.


Format 3 x 2-hours recordings + course material and resources.
Cost AUD$895 (INC GST)
Code OD-24-3-113
Contact training@awschool.com.au
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Casey Kramer

Natural Waters

Casey Kramer is a recognized expert in the fields of hydrology, hydraulics, scour, river engineering, sediment transport and fish passage, while specializing in the hydraulic design of transportation ... Read more

Scott Hogan

Federal Highway Administration

Scott Hogan (P.E). has spent more than 30-years working in the field of river engineering hydraulics, focusing primarily on transportation hydraulic analysis and design, bridge scour analysis, counter... Read more

Carlos Gonzalez


With a background in both the professional and academic sectors of engineering, Carlos combines his technical expertise with valuable communication skills honed during his time spent in academia. C... Read more

Panel Members

Krey Price

International Water Training Institute

Educated at the University of California at Berkeley, Krey is a civil engineer and project manager with international experience in water resources. He is engaged in computational modelling, engineeri... Read more

Course Overview

Learn the background theory behind pier scour, abutment scour, and contraction scour and complete practical bridge scour depth estimation examples with expert support using HEC-RAS, SRH-2D, TUFLOW software tools.


Explore the course overview and gain insights into the course by watching our introductory webinar:

Course Learning Outcomes

  • Proficiency using the FHWA Hydraulic Toolbox.
  • Proficiency in applying HEC-18 guidance to bridge scour examples.
  • Ability to correctly extract necessary parameters from hydraulic models.


Course Outline

The course covers 3 main topics namely;  

Part 1: Course introduction, bridge hydraulics and bridge scour overview, and extracting hydraulic parameters from 2D models for scour computations

  • Introduction to course objectives.
  • Overview of FHWA bridge scour program.
  • Overview of bridge hydraulics (review of webinar materials).
  • Extracting hydraulic parameters from various 2D models for scour computations (HEC-RAS, SRH-2D, TUFLOW).

Part 2: Long-term degradation, contraction scour, pier scour and abutment scour

  • Discussion on the FHWA bridge scour workshop material.
    • Long-term degradation
    • Contraction scour
    • Pier scour
    • Abutment scour
  • Introduction to additional case study exercises.

Part 3: Total scour workshop and course wrap-up

  • Discussion on the FHWA bridge scour workshop material.
  • Review case study exercises.
  • Step through guided total scour exercise together.
  • Australian and international considerations.
  • Summary and conclusions.



  • 6+ hours of session recordings with unlimited access for 30-days;
  • Pre-and-post-course materials to go through via the AWS learning platform;
  • Homework exercises between the 3 parts;
  • Manual of the course and working model download/s;
  • Ability to ask questions to the presenters at anytime through the learning platform;




  • The latest version of the FHWA hydraulic toolbox (v5.4.0 or newer).
  • View the AWS Past webinar: Estimating bridge hydraulics and scour



  • A good internet connection. 
  • Software and downloads as described in the learning platform. 
  • A computer with Windows OS.


Completion certification

  • Attendees earn CPD hours/points (i.e. with Engineers Australia) for at least 12 hours for the entire course. 
  • On completion of the course attendees will be issued with a Certificate of Completion. 



Refund Policy 

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)