
In this 3-hour intensive training course our experts will discuss the different types of hydrologic models used to represent the runoff generation and runoff routing phases of the flood formation process.


Format 3-hour course + pre/post-course materials via the learning platform (30 days access for individual course: FOUR months access for the series)
Cost AUD$325.00 (INC GST) or combine with the full ARR Series and save 15%
Code OD-21-1-003
Contact training@awschool.com.au
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Mark Babister


Mark is a national leader in floodplain management and analysis. Mark has successfully completed numerous hydrologic, hydraulic, floodplain management, infrastructure and dam studies. Mark’s clear, ... Read more

Monique Retallick


Monique has 12 years’ experience in hydrology, 2d modelling and design of major waterway openings for road projects particularly on large and coastal rivers. Monique has extensive experience in the... Read more

Register for the ENTIRE series and be rewarded with a 15% discount and 4 months unlimited access to all courses in the series.

Or register now for this individual course.

Throughout the course attendees will be shown practical working examples, learning hands-on how to use and apply different rainfall related design inputs, including:

  • fundamentals of hydrologic modelling
  • baseflow
  • losses
  • advice on what losses to use

Learning objectives

  • examples using hydrologic modelling software
  • what losses should I use
  • simple design event vs ensemble approach


The course is delivered through 5 sequential units via the learning platform

  • 3-hour recording of the live session
  • Pre-and-post-course materials to go through via the learning platform including a course manual.



Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR) is the national guideline document, data and software suite for the estimation of design flood characteristics in Australia.

Originally published in 1958 by Engineers Australia, ARR 4th edition was released in 2019 with support of the Commonwealth Government of Australia and Geoscience Australia. With national applicability, balancing the varied climates of Australia, it is a pivotal framework to the safety and sustainability of Australian infrastructure, communities and the environment. The information and the approaches presented in Australian Rainfall and Runoff are essential for policy decisions and projects involving:

  • infrastructure such as roads, rail, airports, bridges, dams, stormwater and sewer systems;
  • town planning;
  • mining;
  • developing flood management plans for urban and rural communities;
  • flood warnings and flood emergency management;
  • operation of regulated river systems; and
  • estimation of extreme flood levels.

ARR 4th edition is a major update to guidelines, the first in 30 years and consists of The Guidelines and associated Data hub and software.

What’s Included

The ARR On-demand Training Series is designed to be taken individually. Each course is highly practical and hands-on (ie; not simply a PowerPoint of lectures), turning ARR policy and research into practice.

To provide the best desired learning outcomes, setup in a quiet space with dual monitors (ie one screen with the session recordings and the other with the software/exercise that attendees can work on simultaneously).

Please note: the courses are not designed for a board-room setup.

Depending on the course, attendees will be developing models, learning software, and working through exercises and case studies. Where relevant, attendees will also have homework between courses.

What’s included within each of the 8 On-demand courses in the series:
  • 3-hours of session recordings to view as many times as required within the allocated time;
  • Ability to ask questions to the presenters at anytime through the learning platform;
  • PDF manual of the course. The manual is recommended for ongoing use;
  • Any working models/ software’s necessary as per instructions in the individual course, downloaded from the learning platform before starting the session recordings;
  • Some courses have exercises / homework to complete between courses;
  • Pre-reading and viewing materials;
  • Ability to access all the online course materials within the allocated time. The pre-readings and manual are available for ongoing learning;
  • Attendees earn CPD hours/points (ie with Engineers Australia) for at least 5 hours per-course (therefore 40+ hours for the Series).



Pre-course reading and video watching is encouraged.



A good internet connection and software and downloads as described in the learning platform. To provide the best desired learning outcomes, setup in a quiet space with dual monitors (ie one screen with the on-demand recording and the other with the software/exercise that attendees can work on simultaneously).


On completion of the course attendees will be issued with a Certificate of Participation.

Refund Policy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)