Michael Konieczki

Michael Konieczki, PE, D.WRE has over 15 years of experience as a civil engineer modeling complex hydrologic and hydraulic systems, including flood warning and reservoir operation decision support systems. His areas of expertise include hydrologic analysis, including rainfall runoff modeling, climate change analysis, statistical hydrology, and flood frequency analysis; reservoir and systems operations, including forecast-informed reservoir operations (FIRO); and flood warning and decision support system development. Michael has served as a hydrology subject matter expert on multiple dam safety and risk analysis projects. His current project work is focused on using forecasts to operate reservoirs more robustly to satisfy the often-competing needs of water supply and flood management. He has presented “Risk Based Decision Support System for Flood Operations of Lake Mendocino” at the California Water and Environmental Modeling (CWEMF) Forum 2019 annual meeting (April 2019), “Forecast informed reservoir operations (FIRO) improve water management in California” to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District (February 2018), and “Forecast-informed reservoir operations: a case study of the West Fork of the Trinity River“ at the ASCE EWRI congress in Sacramento, CA (May 2017). Michael has a MS Engineering from the University of Texas, Austin and a BS Civil Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Michael is the Past-President of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Sacramento Section and was the Chair of the 2020 California Infrastructure Symposium.