Natural Waters
Casey Kramer

Natural Waters
Casey Kramer is a recognized expert in the fields of hydrology, hydraulics, scour, river engineering, sediment transport and fish passage, while specializing in the hydraulic design of transportation facilities. He has been involved with over 400 water and transportation projects and has a thorough understanding of project delivery within a Department of Transportation (DOT).
Casey was formerly the State Hydraulic Engineer for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Headquarters Hydraulics and Stormwater offices where he also served as a member of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Technical Committee on Hydrology and Hydraulics (TCHH). He has assisted in the development of various national design guidelines, policies, and procedures, for the design and construction of hydraulic and scour projects.
Casey is well recognized for his collaborative approach involving interdisciplinary teams of water resources and infrastructure specialists; as well as collaborating with aquatic biologists, geomorphologists, geotechnical specialists, and structural specialists to develop environmentally beneficial solutions for critical infrastructure, flood control, stormwater, erosion control, channel stabilization, and environmental restoration projects.