Arris Water
Ben Kele

Arris Water
Ben is the Director at Arris Water and completing his PhD at Central Queensland University. Ben has 20 years’ experience in the water industry and has researched, built and operated a wide range of water treatment facilities. He has extensive experience in decentralised installations and addressing the concerns of salinity and sodicity in recycled water. He is recognised as a leader in the management, treatment, and beneficial use of wastewater streams that have ‘difficult’ chemistry, organic loads and/or environmental license conditions. His research has focused on the management of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and salinity in water treatment. He has developed, patented and successfully commercialised two treatment technologies. Ben has been actively researching the reduction of SAR, salinity, and other contaminants of concern in Associated Water with a number of Coal Seam Gas companies. Ben has a Bachelor of Applied Science and has completed his Master’s by research in Decentralised Wastewater Treatment.