
This free webinar is open to all interested in the problem of water security in highly variable climates.


Neil Palmer


Neil Palmer has degrees in civil and public health engineering. His career spans 45 years in the Australian water industry, 20 years in Government, 19 years in the private sector and 6 years in resear... Read more

Ian Law

University of Queensland

Ian is a Chemical Engineer with a Masters Degree in Public Health Engineering from the University of Cape Town in South Africa and is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Queensland. He was, unti... Read more

Bruce Naumann

Salisbury Water

Bruce Naumann is the Manager of the Salisbury Water Business Unit at the City of Salisbury. Salisbury is widely recognized as a leader in urban storm water harvesting and Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR... Read more

Michael Porter

Centre for Regional and Rural Futures

Michael is Honorary Research Professor of Public Policy at the Centre for Regional and Rural Futures within Deakin University. Professor Porter has had leadership roles in universities, a think tank i... Read more