
How much do you actually know about the potential consequence of a flood wave? Numerical consequence assessment software brings together hydraulic, financial, social, and mapping tools to predict flood damage, optimise evacuation routes, and estimate loss of life under a range of scenarios, aiding planners, engineers, emergency services, and other key decision-makers. Flood damage models such as HEC-LifeSim allow you to gain insight into uncertain parameters with scalable analysis tools. Map-based interfaces can quickly highlight traffic bottlenecks, flood hazards and damage hot spots.


Paul Risher


Paul is a senior water resources engineer with more than 18 years of experience on dam and levee infrastructure projects, specialising in flood and consequence modeling for risk analysis. He leads var... Read more

Woodrow Fields

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) Institute for Water Resources (IWR)

Woodrow Fields is a Consequence Specialist with the USACE Risk Management Center (CEIWR-RMC). “Woody” is the lead developer of HEC-LifeSim which is a detailed consequence modeling system for estim... Read more

Krey Price

International Water Training Institute

Educated at the University of California at Berkeley, Krey is a civil engineer and project manager with international experience in water resources. He is engaged in computational modelling, engineeri... Read more

This webinar will have a presentation from Paul Risher, Senior Water Resources Engineer at HDR. An expert panel of presenters will also be ready to answer your questions; including Woody Fields, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers author of HEC-LifeSim software and Krey Price at Surfacewater Solutions.

Modelling individuals evacuating before the arrival of a flood wave:

Effects of a flood wave:

Registrations Locations: