
Operational structures such as pumps, gates and weirs are key components of water resource management. They provide a function for time varying operational capacity under changing hydraulic conditions and play an important role in building resilient infrastructure to protect communities against flooding.

There are many high-profile examples, such as the Thames Barrier, Oosterscheldekering Storm Surge Barrier, countless dams, weirs and urban stormwater drainage infrastructure globally, like the Tokyo Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel and pump system. In a warming climate, with projected sea level rise and more extreme flooding, operational structures will likely become more commonplace as an infrastructure option in the climate change adaptation toolkit. In addition to flood and storm tide risk management applications, operational structures are already in widespread use by the agriculture sector for irrigation purposes.

This webinar uses a real-world model example to introduce a range of operational structures available within TUFLOW. These include:
1. Operational pumps for dewatering of floodwater.
2. Coordinated operation of pumps and sluice gates during a flood event.
3. Application of complex flow matrices for:

a. Pumps under varying operational capacities.
b. Irrigation gates with adjustable gate openings.

In each of the examples above, we will focus on the key capabilities that are needed to replicate the real-world operation of those structures, necessary model inputs, and data review for quality control purposes.


Phil Ryan


Phil has over 15 years’ experience working on numerical hydraulic modelling tasks. These include flood studies, floodplain management studies, flood impact assessments, storm tide studies, Monte Car... Read more

Shuang Gao


Shuang Gao is an Environmental Engineer and software developer. He currently works at BMT’s Brisbane office on the development and testing of the TUFLOW software suite, a set of shallow water equati... Read more

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