Innovations in water management: the future of the Murray-Darling Basin
Collaboration to deliver innovation
The Murray-Darling Basin is Australia's largest and most complex river system facing many challenges, including climate change, population growth, and water scarcity.
In this free, online discussion, the panel will explore how we can work together to innovate water management in the Basin to ensure that it remains sustainable, productive, and resilient. It will also be a chance to share your own ideas and perspectives and learn about the latest thinking on water management innovation in the Murray-Darling Basin.
A range of innovative ideas will be discussed, including:
• How to enhance river operations.
• Develop alternate water sources and supplies.
• Enhance environmental water management with complementary works.
The role of collaboration and research in supporting the successful application of these ideas will be explored, and the importance of diverse voices and interests, including First Nations, in presenting and evaluating alternatives.
Join us for this important discussion about the future of water management in the Basin!
Panel Members
Michael Stewardson
One Basin CRC | University of Melbourne
Raelene Ward
One Basin CRC | SQNNSW Innovation Hub
Karen Hutchinson
One Basin CRC | Murrumbidgee Irrigation
Seth Westra
One Basin CRC | University of Adelaide
Geoff Cockfield
One Basin CRC | University of Southern Queensland