
The Dublin principles for Integrated Water Resource Management emphasise the importance of considering gender-specific issues in water resource management.
Likewise, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) called for consideration of women and water.
Although this need is well recognised, there is little guidance available for putting this mandate into water resource modelling practice. We take preliminary steps to address this gap.


Evie Packett

CSIRO and ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society / College of Asia and Pacific

Evie Packett is a Researcher for CSIRO Land and Water. She conducts research on how gender relates to water management and decision support models. She is a Crawford Fund scholar, bringing interdiscip... Read more

Joyce Wu

Australian National University, Crawford School of Public Policy

Dr Wu is a Research Fellow at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australia National University. She has been working on gender integration of the Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio (SDIP... Read more

Nicky Grigg

CSIRO Land and Water

Dr Nicky Grigg is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO Land and Water, where she works on projects concerned with global change and our responses to it. She brings experience in mathematical modelling... Read more

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Background Readings:

Packett E, J Wu, N Grigg (2018) Mainstreaming and modelling: how gender analysis can be applied to a water management modelling framework. A project of the

South Asia Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio (SDIP).CSIRO, Australia. https://publications.csiro.au/rpr/download?pid=csiro:EP181176&dsid=DS11

CSIRO work on integrated water resource management in South Asia: https://research.csiro.au/sdip/

Dublin Statement: http://www.un-documents.net/h2o-dub.htm