
Take sessions at any time with unlimited access for 30 days on registration.

Mathematical models are an essential part of a hydrologist’s daily life. This course shows how you can use the immensely popular and powerful programming language Python to develop powerful analytical models. Solutions for flow problems in confined, unconfined and coastal aquifers will be provided, which may be steady state or transient. Problems involving wells, rivers and streams will also be covered.

This course is intended for hydro(geo)logists who already have experience with Python and is aimed at practitioners and researchers who want to use Python to create groundwater models. It will aid you in consolidating your knowledge of groundwater hydraulics and provide you with a set of ready-to-use Python scripts that can easily be adapted for other flow problems.


Cost AUD$695.00 (INC GST)
Code OD-22-3-040
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Vincent Post

Edinsi Groundwater & Flinders University

Vincent is a hydrogeologist with nearly 20 years of experience in Python programming. He has a strong background in academia and research and has been working as a self-employed hydrogeological consul... Read more

Mark Bakker

Technical University Delft

Mark is a professor in groundwater engineering at the Delft University of Technology, where he teaches groundwater modeling and Python programming. He is co-developer of a number of popular open-sourc... Read more

** If you are not very familiar with Python we strongly encourage you to sign up for the Python Essentials and/or Python for Hydrology and Hydrogeology course/s prior to enrolling.

Course Overview

You will gain an understanding of programming analytical solutions in Python and:

  • Create groundwater flow nets;
  • Calculate water balances and residence times;
  • Visualise model results;
  • Combine solutions with the analytic element method.

Course Outline

Part 1

• Head and flow in confined and semi-confined aquifers;
• Unconfined flow and interface flow in coastal aquifers;
• Travel time calculations.

Part 2

• Transient flow systems: the effect of recharge and flood waves;
• Time-series analysis of head time series;
• Interpretation of pumping tests.

Part 3

• Two-dimensional flow to wells, superposition;
• Capture zone analysis;
• Analytical element models.


This course closely follows the author’s book released June 2022;

Analytical Groundwater Modeling

Theory and Applications using Python

This book covers the theoretical aspects of mathematical groundwater models. The focus is on the fundamentals of the quantitative methods used to simulate, understand, and investigate groundwater systems. Uniquely, it provides hands-on exercises based on Python.

Further details and to buy the book can be found at Routledge.

You can also find the repository of all the Python code of the book here.


  • 6+ hours of session recordings with unlimited access for 30-days;
  • Pre-and-post-course materials to go through via the AWS learning platform (LMS);
  • Exercises between the 3 sessions;
  • Manual of the course and working model download/s;
  • Ability to ask questions to the presenters at anytime through the LMS.


A good internet connection and software and downloads as described in the learning platform.


  • On completion of the course, attendees will be issued with a Certificate of Participation;
  • Attendees earn CPD hours/points (ie with Engineers Australia) for at least 12 hours for the entire course.


Refund Policy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)