
This 1-Day Workshop (9am - 4pm) is in association with NCCARF's Climate Adaptation Conference, 5-7 July 2016.


Neil Palmer


Neil Palmer has degrees in civil and public health engineering. His career spans 45 years in the Australian water industry, 20 years in Government, 19 years in the private sector and 6 years in resear... Read more

This 1-Day Workshop (9am – 4pm) is open to all interested in the problem of water security in highly variable climates. Offered in association with the NCCARF’s Climate Adaptation Conference, this Workshop will be held on the day after the Conference. (NB: Conference Delegates receive a Fee Discount.)

CONTACT: Trevor Pillar or Joel Voortman. PHONE: 08 8236 5211 EMAIL: training@awschool.com.au

Topic sessions include:

  • The problem – climate change, weather variability, population growth and water consumption
  • Conservation vs new water sources – seawater desalination, potable water recycling and stormwater
  • Does anyone care about water security in developing countries?
  • How much do urban consumers value water security?
  • Small group exercise with presenters – solving real-world problems


Workshop fees:

  • Discount for Conference Delegates: $440.00 (including GST)
  • Full Fee: $550 (including GST), when registering before 6 June 2016

CONTACTTrevor Pillar or Joel Voortman:   PHONE: 08 8236 5211   EMAIL: training@awschool.com.au

Hadera Desalination Plant, Israel provides 127 million m3 of potable water, which is about 20% of the total requirement for the country.