
With constraints on human and financial resources, and the need to improve production and environmental outcomes in irrigation communities in data-rich situations, some governments and communities are increasingly looking towards adaptive co-management models. This webinar explores an example where such a model was developed with very positive outcomes including government cooperation and fewer water restrictions being imposed.


Philip Smethurst


Dr Philip Smethurst graduated from the University of Melbourne and University of Florida with expertise in soil, hydrology, agriculture, forestry, and plant nutrition. Philip's experimentation and mo... Read more

Brigid Morrison

University of Tasmania

Brigid is a well-regarded natural resource management advisor in Tasmania. Most recently she works in a split professional and academic role, to link natural resource reliant industries with research ... Read more

Andrew Aldridge

Andrew Aldridge is a second generation Dairy farmer currently share farming 440 cows located at Branxholm in the picturesque North East of Tasmania, along with his wife Jenny and their 4 young boys. A... Read more

Key discussion points from the Ringarooma Case Study, Tasmania, Australia:

  • Real-time monitoring and improved irrigator understanding of stream flow and water quality behaviour
  • Confidence developed in linking management actions (water extractions and releases) to stream flow
  • Coordinated actions led to reduced incidence of very low flows and regulatory restrictions on extractions
  • Better production and environmental outcomes

Background Reading
Journal paper


Full Paper