
Following a brief introduction to groundwater modelling, this webinar introduces the capabilities of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) MODFLOW software. International groundwater modelling experts demonstrate a number of practical examples and explain methods for model development with the use of MODFLOW-2005 or MODFLOW-OWHM together with public domain tools. Finally we provide a practical update on a newly developed MODFLOW-6 suite.
The key issues to be addressed will be:
- What is a groundwater model?
- What does MODFLOW do?
- Brief comparison of open source MODFLOW modelling platforms and GUIs
- Practical examples demonstrating capabilities of MODFLOW and its modules.

At least a basic knowledge of groundwater is recommended.
No previous modelling experience is required.


Konrad Miotlinski

Edith Cowan University

Dr Konrad Miotlinski has 15+ years research and consulting experience across Europe, Australia and South America. He has used his models to plan and optimise operation of managed aquifer recharge... Read more

Wolfgang Schmid


Dr Wolfgang Schmid is a researcher with 20 years of MODFLOW modelling experience. Wolfgang is the original author of the ‘The Farm Process’ for MODFLOW now integrated by the USGS into MODFLOW-OWHM... Read more

Background Reading:

  • MODFLOW-2005:
    • Harbaugh, A. W. (2005). MODFLOW-2005, the US Geological Survey modular ground-water model: the ground-water flow process (pp. 6-A16). Reston, VA: US Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey. https://doi.org/10.3133/tm6A16
    • Hanson, R.T., Boyce, S.E., Schmid, W., Hughes, J.D., Mehl, S.W., Leake, S.A., Maddock III, T. and Niswonger, R.G. (2014). One-water hydrologic flow model (MODFLOW-OWHM) (No. 6-A51). US Geological Survey. https://doi.org/10.3133/tm6A51
    • Langevin, C. D., Hughes, J. D., Banta, E. R., Niswonger, R. G., Panday, S., & Provost, A. M. (2017). Documentation for the MODFLOW 6 groundwater flow model (No. 6-A55). US Geological Survey.  https://doi.org/10.3133/tm6A55

Reilly, T.E., and Harbaugh, A.W., 2004, Guidelines for evaluating ground-water flow models: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5038, 30 p.