
Following the highly successful HRAP webinar in 2016 (see video below), this webinar discussed issues including:
1. Public health associated with water recycling with reference to the Australian National Guidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health and Environmental Risks.
2. The Kingston-on-Murray case study in UNESCO/GWPP to demonstrate how risk based guidelines are employed in practice
3. Biology driving HRAPs for treatment and disinfection.
4. The progress of the latest HRAP project in Peterborough, South Australia.


Howard Fallowfield

Flinders University

Howard is an aquatic microbial ecologist. His research focus is health aspects of water quality, which has been conducted across a range of aquatic environments including drinking water, wastewater an... Read more

Prof-Howard-FallowfieldHoward draws on many years of research and on-ground testing, achieving outstanding reuse levels and water quality.

In a world first, this wastewater treatment system has been accepted as an alternative to existing passive lagoon systems for use in South Australia.

Water authorities from Victoria are exploring its application for biosolids production from Melbourne’s wastewater, for conversion to energy. Flinders University researchers are following up interest in China.

“The new system is smaller, fastermore effective at cleaningwastewater and creates the potential to reclaim more water for alternative use” according to Professor Howard Fallowfield.
Wastewater treatment systems are used by councils for towns outside metropolitan areas sewered by SA Water and in locations such as mining camps. They are regulated by the SA Department of Health, which has accepted the new system.

SA’s Local Government Association, which administers State subsidies for new Council wastewater treatment systems, will be alerting councils to the new option.

“The new system has the potential to dramatically increase the availability of water for reuse in rural communities,” says Prof Fallowfield.

SA LGA Acting CEO Kathy Jarrett welcomed the news, saying the system might not be suitable in all locations across SA, but would become a key option to be considered for future system design.

Globally this breakthrough may provide an outstanding low-energy, high-efficiency solution for a vast number of small villages keen to develop water re-use options.

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