
Thank you for your interest in the upcoming round table discussion.

As a key stakeholder, your contribution is highly valued in the reforming of DEWNR's water registration scheme.

Please register by Friday 17 November


Yvette Colton


Yvette is the Principal Policy Officer, State and National Water Policy in the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) specialising in South Australian water markets and trade. Having worked in the... Read more

Judith Bradsen


Judith Bradsen has 50 years’ experience in both the education and legal sectors with extensive experience in water-related matters. Having retired in December 2016 from her legal practice, Judith no... Read more

The Roundtable discussions will cover four themes:

  1. Powers to enforce and defend security interests
  2. Reliability and certainty: ensuring the integrity of the Water Register
  3. Improving access to information
  4. Commercial certainty and minimising settlement risks

By aligning with interstate water registers, the new system will be able to provide more reliable information on the Water Register and introduce better protection for mortgages against water licences.

An initiative of:                                                  In association with:


Venue: Tower Room, The Science Exchange, 55 Exchange Place, Adelaide.

The original Stock Exchange building, from 1901 – 1991, is now home to the Science Exchange.