
Take sessions at any time with unlimited access for 30 days on registration.

Investigate standard and emerging techniques for optimising gauge locations, collecting valid stream gauge data in the field, and applying 1D, 2D, and 3D modelling techniques to develop, refine, and calibrate rating curves.

Take a deep dive into the "black box" of what's behind a rating curve. When a given stage corresponds neatly to a single discharge rate in a uniform system, rating curves can be quite simple. But reality is seldom uniform! In this course, we start with simple cases and expand into more complex curves that account for braiding, storage, backwater effects, seasonal impacts, geomorphic changes, and other phenomena that can significantly affect the reliability of rating curves.

Step through worked examples from scratch, take virtual field trips to existing and prospective gauging sites, and work out confidence bands for compiled data from measurements and models. The course materials convey the underlying fundamentals of hydrology and hydraulics in the application of proper methodologies.

Completing this course will allow you to develop further skills in:
- evaluating streamflow data,
- determining trends and confidence bands,
- establishing reliable relationships between storage and discharge.


Cost $895.00 (INC GST)
Code OD 22-3-070
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Kyle Thomson

Forward Hydro

Kyle Thomson is a Technical Director at Forward Hydro with extensive experience in hydraulic, hydrologic and civil engineering. Kyle has been involved in a broad variety of projects providing technic... Read more

Krey Price

International Water Training Institute

Educated at the University of California at Berkeley, Krey is a civil engineer and project manager with international experience in water resources. He is engaged in computational modelling, engineeri... Read more

Andrea Taillacq

Tailwater Limited

Andrea has over fourteen years of experience related to project management, hydrology, water resources, and water rights. After working for federal and state agencies and small and mid-sized consultin... Read more


Schedule Outline:

Part 1Measurements

  • Introduction to stream gauges
  • Virtual site visit to gauge installation sites
  • Selecting optimal gauging locations for rating curve development
  • New technology for flow measurements
  • Installation techniques and selection criteria to minimise equipment malfunction
  • Analysing measurements for errors

Part 2Models

  • Differences between rating curves in steady flow and unsteady flow models
  • Looping or hysteresis: storage and backwater
  • Differences between rating curves in 1D, 2D, and 3D models
  • Worked example: extract flow and elevation results
  • Worked example: develop your own rating curves
  • Using model results to optimise gauging locations

Part 3Calibration and Validation

  • Interpreting rating curves that have been developed from flow measurements
  • Interpreting rating curves that have been extracted from model results
  • Setting up sensitivity runs to estimate confidence levels for rating curve data
  • Calibrating hydraulic models to measured gauging station observations
  • Using hydraulic models to interpolate and extrapolate rating curve data from measured calibration points


  • 6+ hours of recordings with unlimited access for 30-days;
  • Pre-and-post-course materials to go through via the AWS learning platform;
  • Exercises between each Part;
  • Manual of the course and working model download/s;
  • Ability to ask questions to the presenters at anytime through the learning platform;
  • Attendees earn CPD hours/points (ie with Engineers Australia) for at least 12 hours for the entire course.


A good internet connection and software and downloads as described in the learning platform.


On completion of the course, attendees will be issued with a Certificate of Participation.

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