
Recent flood events across the east coast of Australia have highlighted the importance of a proactive, rather than reactive, approach to floodplain management. Key to best practice in flood risk management is an understanding of all factors that influence flood risk including flood likelihood, behaviour, exposure and impacts. These factors need to be drawn together under an agreed framework to assess existing, future and continuing flood risk, and develop appropriate strategies to effectively manage the risk, increase flood resilience and ensure best outcomes for the community.

In practice, though, there are other considerations that may limit the scope and approach to flood risk assessment and floodplain management. In these cases, it is necessary to develop a fit-for-purpose methodology that both considers specific objectives and constraints, and aligns with best practice principles to enable floodplain managers to make informed decisions on flood risk management.

This webinar will present a summary of current best practice methods, explore how we can use data that is currently available to effectively assess flood risk and discuss how we can apply our understanding of flood risk to develop a suite of measures for an integrated approach to managing our floodplains.


Jacquie Hannan


Jacquie is a Principal Engineer and Assistant Flood Team Lead at BMT. She has 20 years’ experience in the consulting industry in Australia and the UK, with specialist expertise in flood modelling, f... Read more

Carrie Dearnley


Carrie is an Associate Principal Flood Engineer at BMT and Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland with 13 years' professional experience. She has delivered numerous flood studies and floodplai... Read more

Panel Members

Teegan Burke


Teegan Burke is an accomplished Flood Technical Lead & Associate Principal Engineer at BMT, boasting 8 years with the company, following a significant role as a Project Engineer at WRM Water &... Read more

Bill Syme


Bill has over 30 years’ experience working on riverine, estuarine and coastal studies, of which most have been in the flood hydraulics field.  During this time, he has successfully managed and led ... Read more

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