
This webinar builds on the previous AWS Coastal Modelling 101 Webinar of May 2021 as we investigate extending a nearshore coastal hydrodynamic model from 2D to 3D.

As we step you through this process we raise and address a series of new problems and considerations that occur as we move from 2D to 3D hydrodynamic modelling. What different approaches, datasets and tools do we need to obtain and assign model boundary conditions, undertake model calibration, define model geometry, and interpret and visualise results?

How do the effects of regional ocean currents and synoptic scale meteorology affect circulation in our study area? How does water temperature, ocean salinity, freshwater inflows, and variations in buoyancy drive stratification and mixing? What timeframes do we need to consider? How do we check that our model is doing the right thing?

Please join Mitchell Smith and Dr Ian Teakle, two of the lead TUFLOW FV developers as we explore 3D modelling approaches for coastal environments.


Mitchell Smith


Mitchell is an Associate Principal Engineer at BMT and leads TUFLOW FV’s software development, testing/benchmarking, support and training which most recently has involved delivery of TUFLOW FV’s n... Read more

Ian Teakle


Ian is a Principal Engineer within the Brisbane Coastal and Metocean team of BMT. He graduated with an honours degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Queensland in 1999 and was awarded a P... Read more

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