Hydro Simulations
Noel Merrick

Hydro Simulations
Noel is a highly regarded industry consulting professional who also has a long and eminent background in research, lecturing and mentoring PhD and Masters students. Noel is a groundwater modeller, hydrogeologist and geophysicist with 40 years professional experience in groundwater management issues and policies. He retired in 2009 as Associate Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney, where he was Director of the National Centre for Groundwater Management. He is past Vice President of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, and recently finished a term as Associate Editor of the leading international Hydrogeology Journal. Noel has engaged in research projects with the Aquaculture, Rice, Cotton and Contaminant Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs). As a consultant, he has undertaken many model-based environmental impact studies for major infrastructure, resource and mining projects. Currently, Noel is a modelling advisor to the Commonwealth government and to four State governments.