Michelle Blewitt

Dr Blewitt, Program Director of AUSMAP, is a Marine Scientist, with over 30 years’ experience, and a passion for education, research and conservation.
With a PhD in marine mammal bioacoustics and the effect of human disturbance, her main focus now is marine debris, particularly microplastics. She is a passionate Environmental Scientist, involved in research as well as extensive community service activities, public speaking and implementing marine education programs, particularly about the impact of litter in the aquatic environment.
Michelle is currently an Adjunct Lecturer in the College of Science and Engineering at Flinders University of South Australia and also a Research Associate in the Marine Studies Institute (MSI) at The University of Sydney where she continues her research on marine mammals. She is a passionate environmental educator and has been working with the team at the Total Environment Centre since early 2017, educating and empowering young and old about the impact of marine debris and raising community awareness.