International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Karen Villholth

International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
In 2012, Karen joined IWMI as Senior and later Principal Researcher, sub-Theme Leader and Coordinator of the global partnership GRIPP, Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice, working from the Southern Africa regional office in Pretoria, South Africa. From here, she is working on groundwater irrigation in smallholder farming in Sub-Saharan Africa, transboundary aquifers, assessment of climate change impacts on groundwater resources, groundwater futures in Sub-Saharan Africa, recharge assessments in semi-arid regions, role of depleting aquifers on global food production, groundwater governance, and training of African river basin organisations on groundwater management. She has built up a substantial team of researchers and a portfolio of projects and a wide professional network within the water research and management community in Sub-Saharan Africa and globally.