Hugh Middlemis

Hugh is a civil engineer and hydrogeologist with over 40 years experience. He specialises in groundwater modelling and independent reviews and in 2014 Hugh established HydroGeoLogic, an independent consultancy on groundwater, modelling, water engineering and water & salinity management. Hydrogeologic works in the sectors of mining, oil & gas, and catchment & resources management. Clients have included government agencies in Australia and New Zealand, consulting and law firms, energy and mining companies. Hugh has business and leadership skills and project experience across Australia, New Zealand, South America, Ireland, Oman, USA and UK. He was a co-founder of Aquaterra in Perth in 1998, established the Adelaide office in 2002 and expanded it to 20 staff. Hugh was principal author of the 2001 groundwater modelling guidelines, was awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2004 on groundwater modelling best practice, and has co-authored best practice guidance on uncertainty analysis with Luk Peeters (2018). Read here