Peabody Energy
Greg Tarrant

Peabody Energy
Greg has been the Technical Services Manager at Metropolitan Mine since mid 2006 following 20 years consulting in underground coal mining geomechanics. Greg’s first task at Metropolitan Mine was to investigate methods to restore surface flows to a stream impacted by longwall subsidence. In 2008/2009 Greg was heavily involved in the NSW Part3A Approval process and has been responsible for coordinating the scientific investigations required to support Metropolitan’s future proposed mining within the Woronora Dam Notification Area. The proposed mining intersects the fields of mining, geology, surface hydrology, groundwater hydrology, geomechanics and most significantly, politics. Greg has also played a key role in the development of a method to emplace coal mine rejects underground. The technology that was proven in 2011 with obvious environmental and community benefits may also lead to methods of subsidence reduction.