Geoff Podger

Geoff is a Senior River Modeller and Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO Geoff has significant experience in hydraulic and hydrologic modelling. With 22 years experience in hydraulic and hydrologic modelling, Geoff also has nine years experience in coastal engineering and 13 years experience in river basin management and planning. Geoff has been involved in the implementation and development of numerous hydraulic and hydrologic computer models and is the principal author for the Integrated Quantity and Quality Model (IQQM). Geoff was responsible for the implementation of the Mekong river basin model from Chiang Saen to the Mekong Delta. This project is part of the Mekong River Commission’s Water Utilisation Program Part A (WUPA) funded by World Bank. Geoff Podger coordinated the modification of around 70 different river models, many developed by Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, for integration into a dynamic model of the entire Murray-Darling Basin. Geoff plays a significant part in developing the next generation of Australian hydrological models