UNSW, Sydney
Fiona Johnson

UNSW, Sydney
A/Prof Fiona Johnson is an academic at University of New South Wales based in the Water Research Centre, in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She has over 20 years’ experience in hydrology working as a consultant, for government and in academia. Associate Professor Johnson’s areas of research and teaching focus on statistical hydrology, particularly with respect to flooding and extreme events and the use of global climate models for climate change assessments of water resources systems. She has a particular interest in solutions to climate and hydrological challenges faced by communities in the Global South.
Prior to joining UNSW, she worked at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology as a hydrologist on the Intensity Frequency Duration Revision Project. A/Prof Johnson played an integral role in the project by applying statistical methods to estimate design rainfalls and provided input into the impact of anthropogenic climate change on extreme rainfalls, contributing to the chapter on this work in ‘Australian Rainfall and Runoff’.