Dr. Andrew Watkins has been the Manager of Climate Prediction Services at the Bureau of Meteorology since 2011, after joining the Bureau in 1999. Before life at the BoM, he worked at the Southern Hemisphere Meteorology CRC studying ensemble weather forecasting and decadal prediction, while his earlier PhD was focused on Antarctic Sea Ice and its impact on high latitude weather and climate. Andrew has served on several U.N World Meteorological Organization expert teams on climate matters, published a number of climate variability research papers, contributed to IPCC reports on Australian climate changes, been a co-editor of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society State of the Climate Reports, and was a past editor of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society’s Bulletin. He has spent time doing field work in both Antarctica performing sea ice and oceanographic observations, and the Solomon Islands for a multi-nation tropical research project to better understand El Nino and La Nina. His passion is turning the science of climate variability and change into climate services that truly inform and assist.

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