AWS offers a diverse range of engaging and informative webinars designed to broaden your knowledge in the water sector. Our team of experts, industry leaders, and passionate educators from around the globe deliver captivating webinars covering a wide array of topics within the water and related sectors.
Past Webinars

India-Australia Perspectives on Water Management
RACE WaRM Fellows strengthen sister-state relationship with South Australia

WaterRA Research Symposium Highlights
WaterRA Research Symposium Highlights.

Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme NAIS
NAIS: A secure platform for riding the agrifoods boom.

Improving the Reliability of Australia’s Hydropower
Improving rain forecasting over Australia's hydropower generation regions

Water Reform in Australia
Is Australia about to walk away from water reform? See PDF background article below for further details.

Soil moisture sensors for greater insights into crop-water-soil dynamics
Measured insights from: Soil - Water - Plant - Atmosphere Dynamics

MAR Essentials
Managed Aquifer Recharge: Where to begin? What are the benefits and risks?

Community Wastewater Reuse with HRAP #2
Low-energy, high-efficiency, world-first.

MAR for Water Utilities
Environmental and commercial opportunities.

Next Generation Irrigation Management
Using big data and technology to advance precision irrigation practices

Hardrock Groundwater Recharge using Check-Dams
In Rajasthan and South Australia.

Smart Grids and the Flow of Open Data
Roch Cheroux CEO SA Water

Water Modelling using HEC-RAS: 1D and 2D

Managed Aquifer Recharge thru Village-level Interventions – MARVI
Participatory Approaches and Tools

Managing Uncertainty in Water Resource Modelling: Where to start?

Gas Policy and Water Management
This 45-minute webinar aims to better inform the Gas Policy debate in Australia.

Modelling for Decision Makers
Tony Weber, National Leader - Catchment Modelling, Alluvium

Dry to wet, hot to cool– the climate of 2016 and a peek into the new year
Bureau of Meteorology: Dr Andrew Watkins, Manager of Climate Prediction Services

Water Trading
Market Maturity and Trends

Community Wastewater Reuse
Lo-Energy, Hi-Efficiency, World-First

Third Generation Irrigation Efficiency
The move from Pre-Farm to On-Farm to Business Efficiencies
Water Sources in 2050?
Where will Australia source its water in 2050?