
This webinar reports on a series of workshops conducted as part of the Engaging Communities and Government in Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation project. Over 190 community members and government representatives participated in the project, drawn from four communities in Madang and Eastern Highlands Provinces: Riwo, Ohu, Bundi and Hogave. The workshop process revealed the ways in which these communities are experiencing threats to biodiversity that they, in part, associate with a changing climate.


Kylie McKenna

University of Technology Sydney and Divine Word University PNG

Dr Kylie McKenna is Director of Centre for Social Research, Divine Word University, Papua New Guinea, and Research Principal at the UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures. Kylie has worked as a sociolo... Read more

Take home messages from this webinar:

    1. Impacts such as severe drought, frosts, rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns have already reduced yields of staple foods (including sweet potato), and other garden produce and cash crops
    2. These changes have flow on effects to food security, human health, and social issues (e.g. alcoholism, domestic violence and land disputes), and heighten the existing vulnerabilities of women and children.
    3. While members of the community expressed considerable enthusiasm to promote collective action in response to these impacts, they nevertheless voiced concerns about a lack of resources (financial, knowledge and equipment) to implement these plans that, if not addressed, would likely result in little progress.

Registrants Locations: