
Processor speeds have hit a ceiling, while silicon process scales continue to fall. As a result, solution schemes must be able to utilise highly parallel computation, which favours explicit solvers. In addition, the modelling resolutions now achievable reveal deficiencies in existing methods, particularly the turbulence closure formulation.


Greg Collecutt


Greg is Team TUFLOW’s senior GPU code developer and has over 25 years’ experience in writing scientific modelling software. He has degrees in both mechanical engineering and theoretical physics, b... Read more

As new generations of computer hardware favour certain solution schemes over others, hydraulic modelling practitioners should be prepared to adopt software that moves with the hardware.

With new hardware enabling smaller-than-seen-before modelling cell sizes, as well as Monte-Carlo style statistical studies, practitioners must be prepared to adopt new methodologies and best practices.

Also, with higher model resolutions, deficiencies in the solution scheme or turbulence closure formulation may arise causing the model results to be unreliable. Modellers must continue to be well grounded in hydraulics and know how to check and interpret results.

With suitable software, current GPU technology can offer significantly lower costs per solution than CPU hardware.

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